Tuesday 10 July 2012

Introduction Take 2

I have read a couple more pages because I have been so busy but it has been one of the best books I have read in a while! It is hard to put down I was reading it then I had to go and my dad started eventually shouting at me because we where late because I was reading! Reading isn’t exactly one of my favourite activities but this assignment has really changed my mind!
As he is a comedian and not a writer he does not really know what to say! In his introduction he blabbers on and says about when you go into a book shop you read the introduction and compliments you in a funny way. He does mention one story about when he was a little kid and his little sister is being christened he stands up on a chair and sees rows of people sitting in front of him and starts making them all laugh and from then on he knew that he wanted to be a comedian. So then his second chapter is called ‘introductions take 2’ again he blabbers on and eventually gets to another story...